The Show Up to Go Up (SUGU) Podcast is a personal development podcast that explores what it means to get out of your own way and show up for yourself to live your best life and find success - whatever that means to you. For years I've let fear hold me back but I've finally pushed past those limiting beliefs and now I want to help you do the same. I'm here to give you inspiration and information to guide you to become a better version of yourself.
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Stop Reading, Start Playing
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 38 Stop Reading Start Playing
This week in The Artist Way book I am giving up any kind of reading. It's not going to be easy but I am committed. The goal is to stop all of the input so I can leave space to output creativity and to be bored!
We are so over stimulated that we aren't bored anymore these days! But great things come from boredom! Creativity and play come from boredom. You can also hear your inner voice more easily when you aren't over stimulated. That inner voice is you guide to happiness. Listen to that voice as clearly as you can and it won't steer you in the wrong direction because that is your gut and intuition. It knows what you want before your head realizes it.
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Inspiration Comes From Action
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 37 Inspiration Comes From Action
How do you keep moving forward when you lose inspiration? Inspiration doesn't last and you can't wait around for it to come. Inspiration comes through discipline and action. Keep going and you will find inspiration. Take daily actions and it will show up for you.
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
How to Beat Constant Worry and Anxiety
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 36 How to Beat Constant Worry and Anxiety
The two ways that I have overcome constant worry are 1.) meditate - just do it! I promise if you commit to a consistent of meditation you will be so much more present and at peace and 2.) "What if." It seems like we're so quick to say "what if" something bad happens but "what if" something amazing happens?! Over 90% of the things we worry about don't even happen so what if we use that wasn't energy to start imagining the possibilities of what could happen! You'll feel so much more happy just by focusing on the positive side of things over the negative side.
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Are You Ready to Receive What You Want?
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Are you resisting or pushing away the very thing you say you want? A lot of times what we say we want and the actions we take aren't in alignment.
Steve Harvey tells a great story about a time in his life when he was younger. He really wanted a new car and kept telling his mom he was going to get a new car. Every time he told his mom she would kind of brush him off and say, "okay, Steve." Finally after months of his mom not sharing in his excitement he asked why she always brushes him off when he talks about getting a new car and she said, "where are you going to put your car?" Steve already had a car - a non working car that was taking up space in the driveway. Since the old car was in the driveway there wasn't room for his new car. He heard her loud and clear and got rid of his old car and cleaned the driveway to prepare it for his new car. Well, sure enough, two weeks later he had a new car.
He wanted the car for a year but he wasn't ready to receive it until he cleaned the driveway and made space for it. I know it seems like a trivial thing but the universe or God will respond to your actions over your words. Is there something in your life that you say you want but you are pushing that very thing away but something you're doing or thinking? Let me know!
If you'd like more inspirational content head over to my website at www.showuptogoup.com.
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
The Importance of Self Reflection
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Self reflection is such an important thing to do! It helps me to dig deeper when I feel resistance (which is usually masked as fear) and it also helps me check in with myself and my goals.
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
What are Your Gifts (and how are you using them to serve others)?
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 33 What are your Gifts (and how are you using them to serve others)?
There are certain things that you are good at or that come naturally to you. Those things are your gifts and they can be used to serve others. God has given you special gifts for a reason - because he wants you to use them to help others.
Take some time to think about these things and how you can use them to make the world a better place. By serving others you will find that you get to give AND receive. It feels so good to help others and we end up helping ourselves as well.
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
What vs Why and Can't vs Won't
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 32 What vs Why and Can't vs Won't
What vs Why:
There are BIG differences in what you do vs why you do something. The what is hollow. It has no meaning or reason behind it. Knowing why you do something is the intention and meaning. You are more likely do continue working toward your goals (and do a better job) when you know WHY you are doing something.
"When you know your why, your what becomes more impactful because you're walking toward and in your purpose." -Michael Junior
Here is a link to the youtube video I mention. Check it out, it's amazing! https://youtu.be/1ytFB8TrkTo
Cant vs Won't:
How many times do you say you cant do something when the truth is you can but you won't. There is a huge distinction between the two. A lot of times we say we can't be the reality is if it were important to us we would figure out a way to make it happen. And if it's not important that's okay but own it! Own your truth if you don't want to do something! But also don't make excuses for yourself that aren't true. Hold yourself accountable by knowing the difference and using the correct word when you can't vs won't.
Thank you so much for tuning in! If you'd like to dive deeper you can head over to my website at www.showuptogoup.com.
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Lose Your Fear of Being Wrong
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Today is day 3 of my 100 day challenge. I am doing this challenge because I recently lost my mom and this challenge is giving me purpose and inspiration. My hope is that it is giving you inspiration and motivation as well. We are all going through hard things so why not lock arms and go through it together?!
I am doing a 12 week book course called The Artist Way. In that book I read an amazing quote I want to share with you...“To live a creative life we must lose our fear of being wrong.”
To me, having a creative live is synonymous with having a joyful life and a meaningful life. When you are creating you are in a state of play and joy and usually contributing to others. So in order to live a happy, meaningful life you must lose your fear of being wrong.
I get it! I HATE being wrong and looking bad but it is such a vital part in growth because being wrong provides an opportunity to learn and therefore grow into a better version of ourselves. So challenge yourself to get uncomfortable and get comfortable being wrong.
Thank you so much for listening! If you would like more inspiration and positivity you can join my newsletter at www.showuptogoup.com.
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
What Are You Excited About?
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Today is day 2 of my 100 day challenge! Every day for 100 days I am staying in motion and creating inspiring content that I hope heals my soul and yours as well. Life is a little more complicated right now and we could all use some positivity.
I want to encourage you to feel your feelings and find someone to talk to. Talking is such an important element in healing. If you are in a good place then I'd encourage you to reach out to your friends and just listen. So many people are going through hard things right now - more than we even realize. Be a friend.
And don't forget to focus on something you're excited about! Asking the question - "What are you excited about?" Will force you to think about it and if you can't think about anything then maybe you can find something to be excited about. I just bought some new flowers and that has not only given me joy but it's given me something to take care of so I feel more purposeful as well. What are you excited about or what can you do/make to be more excited? I'm rooting for you! Remember that if you show up for yourself every single day there is no where that you can go but up!
If you'd like more inspiring content you can follow me on Instagram at @stephygthatsme or join my weekly newsletter at www.showuptogoup.com.
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Take Action Now
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Today is Day 1 of my 100 day challenge!! Are you as excited as I am?! I hope so!
I am doing a 12 week program called The Artist Way and in that book there is a quote that inspired me to do this challenge - which is essentially a challenge of action, inspiration, and creating content. The quote is "Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it." BOOM!
Don't worry about being perfect or figuring out all the details. Just get started and you will figure out the details along the way! So many times we have a big goal but it becomes so overwhelming because it is so big and we don't know where to start. Start small and start one step at a time. Know that growth isn't a steady uphill journey. You will fail and fall back but that's okay because you are on your way and you are making progress! You'll be amazed to see the doors that open when you start taking action!
If you'd like to dive deeper you can follow me on Instagram at @stephygthatsme or you can sign up for my weekly newsletter full of inspiration at www.showuptogtoup.com.