The Show Up to Go Up (SUGU) Podcast is a personal development podcast that explores what it means to get out of your own way and show up for yourself to live your best life and find success - whatever that means to you. For years I've let fear hold me back but I've finally pushed past those limiting beliefs and now I want to help you do the same. I'm here to give you inspiration and information to guide you to become a better version of yourself.
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
How to Overcome Shame
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Shame is such a negative thing that only hold us back in life and keeps us in a downward cycle. In order to overcome shame you need to address it (say it out loud), ask yourself what you can learn from the experience or do differently, don't be so hard on yourself, let go of expectations of you things "should" be, and focus on love and gratitude.
Keep showing up for yourself! Check out more free resources at www.showuptogoup.com
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Growing Isn't Always Easy
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
As you grow and become a better version of yourself there will be people in your life who will be threatened by your growth and they might tell you you've changed as if that were a bad thing. You have to change in order to grow. Unfortunately not everyone wants to grow. The majority of people would rather stay in their comfort zone than enter the world of unknown. Your family and friends might try to hold you back because they aren't comfortable growing. You can still love those people but you may have to separate yourself a bit to become the best version of yourself.
Click here for more information and inspiration.
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
TRAIN for Success
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
I just got done reading my friend's book called The Road to Success. First off, the book is amazing and shares him an his wife's journey across the country to find out what success means. It is written by newly married Brandon T Adams and Samantha Rossin. In it Brandon talks about how to train for success.
T - Take Action
R - Relationships are Key
A - Add Value
I - Invest in Yourself and Your Future
N - Never Give Up
It's an amazing book! Check it out here.
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Your Pain is Your Power
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Whether you are currently going through something difficult or you have in the past, your pain is your secret power! It is the thing that makes you a wonderful, unique individual and you can help so many other people because of it. Here are 4 ways to use your pain as a gift.
- Identify what your pain is
- Your pain does not define you
- Forgive yourself and others
- Share your story with others
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Everything You Want is on the Other Side of Fear
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Everything you want is on the other side of fear
- Do you clearly and specifically know what you want? Can you think about it without without much thought? It has to be the number one thing you are focused on. Focus on just one thing at a time.
- What is in your way? What fears are holding you back?
- Once you know your fear, don’t let it hold you back. Get to the other side of it so that you can get to what it is you want.
- Ask yourself is this fear true?
- Visualize what could go right
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Your Expansion Becomes Inspiration
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
As you grow and become the best version of yourself you inspire others to do the same. Don't worry so much about what other people think because when you are an expanded version of yourself you can help more people and have a more meaningful life. Show up as the best version of yourself and God will give you greater. Don't like your excuses hold you back in life.
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Focus on Serving
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
I learned that the most important thing you can focus on is serving others. Success will come if you put all your focus and energy into adding value to other people's lives.
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
How to Have More Energy
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
I went to a virtual Tony Robbins conference two weeks ago. For those of you don't know who Tony Robbins is, he is a master in all things personal development. If you want to be a better version of yourself, Tony Robbins is a good place to start.
At this conference I learned that our energy level determines the quality of life we have. This makes sense because everything we do takes energy. The more we have, the more we are able to accomplish in any given day. Anddd our energy is linked to our emotions aka how good we feel.
"Well shit, I'm screwed," I thought. I don't know if any of you can relate but I have energy in spurts. Sometimes life feels more exhausting than energizing. And since our energy is linked to our emotions I haven't always been as happy as I wish I were. Have you ever looked at people and they are just so happy and seem like they're floating and it is just irritating. It must be nice to be so happy!
Well...I learned that we all have an energetic and emotional "home." Think of it as a scale of 1-10. We all have moments of energy and happiness or fatigue and sadness but we all fall on the scale somewhere between 1-10 and that is our normal and what we fall back to. But get this....WE CAN CHANGE IT!!! #mindblown
All my life I have been accepting that I am a level 6 or so and perpetuating it by telling myself how exhausted I am all the time. I've been looking for outside sources like coffee or viatmins to give me energy when in reality I can change my energy level myself. Just like you can change yours! You don't have to except low energy and unhappiness! What a breath of fresh air that is!!
So how do you we do it? It's so simple it's almost laughable. But have you ever noticed the most simple things are almost always the most effective? It's super simple but it's not necessarily easy because it takes getting out of your comfort zone and being proactive.
Before I tell you, imagine a world where you have more energy and more happiness. What would you accomplish? How would you feel? How would you be a better version of yourself? A better wife, friend, sister, or parent?
✨How to Change Your Energy, Happiness, and Life✨
Okay here it is...when you feel down, tired, or depressed you say to yourself, "No thank you!" and you get up and dance, shake your booty, and smile. By moving your body, having fun, and smiling you change your physiology and stimulate more energy and happiness. I know it sounds super simple and almost stupid but it works! If you continue to do this every time you feel down - and truly have fun with it - you will eventually raise your energetic/emotional home!
Think of your energy as a muscle. How do you get bigger biceps? You put in more reps. How do you raise your energy? You put in more reps.
Like I said, it's simple but not easy because sometimes when we feel bad we want to stew in it and bathe in our negativity - I know because I've been there! That is when you need to show up for yourself the most! Think of your future self. Imagine a world where you can have more energy and be happier. Doesn't that sound amazing?! Then try it! And commit to it, even when you don't want to! **Also pay attention to your thoughts. Are you focusing on negativity or gratitude?**
I have been doing this for almost two weeks now and I truly feel more energetic and happier without coffee or supplements! The other night I only got an hour of sleep (long story) and this still worked. I couldn't believe it. Now that I know I hold the keys to my own energy and happiness I wont allow myself to be exhausted or miserable.
I. Truly. Feel. Amazing. And you can to! This is the most mind blowing, life changing information I've ever received. I hope it is able to change your life as well!
Keep showing up for yourself, regardless of how you feel, because if you do there is nowhere you can go but UP!
For more free resources head over to www.showuptogoup.com
Friday Dec 04, 2020
What I've Learned from Personal Development Events
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
I have been to two major personal development events and both have changed my life in massive ways. The first event taught me that I AM good enough for my dreams and that my voice and story matter. The second one taught me some amazing, life changing info that I will share the next two days. These type of events are so powerful because you are totally immersed in positivity and you're surrounded by other people who are also working toward there dreams and there is no way that you can leave not feeling like a better version of yourself!
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Knowledge Without Action
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
To know and not to do is not to know. Are there things in your life you say you know but you aren’t doing? Knowledge means nothing without action or change.