The Show Up to Go Up (SUGU) Podcast is a personal development podcast that explores what it means to get out of your own way and show up for yourself to live your best life and find success - whatever that means to you. For years I've let fear hold me back but I've finally pushed past those limiting beliefs and now I want to help you do the same. I'm here to give you inspiration and information to guide you to become a better version of yourself.
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Let Go of Excuses
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
What are the reasons you're not living the life you dream of? Whatever they are, they are excuses, and they are usually based in fear. You can achieve anything if you make it a priority in your life. There are people out there living your dreams. If they can do it, so can you! Investigate your excuses and see how you can overcome them so they don't have power over you, rather, you are in control of your narrative.
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
How to Ask for Help
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Asking for help can be challenging and scary. Sometimes it's hard to admit that we need help but we are so much better if we work together so don't be afraid to ask for help because there are so many people out there that want to help you! You just have to ask! Here are 5 keys to asking for help...
1.) Ask specifically - Know exactly what it is you are asking for. Don't be vague.
2.) Ask someone who can help you - Ask someone who has what you want so that you can model him or her.
3.) Create value for that person - How can you give or serve the person whom you are asking for help?
4.) Ask with total belief - You must believe in what you are asking or selling. If you don't believe, why should they?
5.) Keep asking - Keep asking until you get what you want. If the person says no then ask someone else or make a better offer. Be relentless in your pursuit.
For more free resources head over to www.showuptogoup.com
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Skills for an Extraordinary Life
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
There are 2 skills that one needs to master in order to live an extraordinary life according to Tony Robbins. Those skills are the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment. You must master both in order to have a fulfilled life.
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Competition and Comparison
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Being overly competitive is another form of comparison and it is a distraction from your goals and achievements. Focus on what you want to work hard to achieve it without wasting energy worrying about what others are doing.
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Move Your Body to Change your Mood
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
If you are feeling down, anxious, or depressed one of the best things you can do is move your body. Your mind and body are connected and by moving your body you will release chemicals that will make you feel happier and more energetic.
For more free resources head over to www.showuptogoup.com.
Friday Nov 27, 2020
You Get in Life What You Tolerate
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
You get in life what you tolerate. This in true in all areas of your life. If you are unhappy with something in your life it is up to you to make a change.
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Let Go of Being Right
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
There is no such thing as being right vs wrong! We as individuals (and sometimes as society) determine right vs wrong by our perception which comes from how we were raised and our past experiences. Since no two people have the same background, what is right or true for one person is going to be different from what is right or true for another person.
We like to prove people right because we want to look good or look smart which comes from our ego. Let go of the idea of being right and winning or being wrong and losing and see what you can learn from another person and their perspective.
For more free resources head over to www.showuptogoup.com
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
You're Not Lazy
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
I used to call myself lazy and unmotivated but the reality was that I was afraid. I was working hard but I was working hard on things I didn't care about to avoid doing the scary thing that was on my heart. And then I'd get down on myself and that only made things worse.
I don't believe there is any such thing as lazy. I believe we avoid things we are fearful of. Calling yourself lazy is not only untrue but it is hurtful to your self confidence. If you have a dream on your heart but you find yourself unmotivated or not moving forward, here are 4 tips to break that vicious cycle.
1.) Call it what it is - fear. Go deep and ask yourself what you are afraid of. Is it fear of what other people think? Fear of being good enough? Name is what it is.
2.) Take action! Take one small step that will get you out of your comfort zone and toward your goal. The first step is always the hardest but you can do it! If you don't know what to do, ask! You're not alone!
3.) Small wins build confidence. Whatever you started in step 2, make sure you follow through and finish it because small wins add up and build self confidence and self worth. The hardest part is starting and the second hardest part is finishing. It doesn't have to be perfect! Let yourself be bad because that is how you learn and grow.
4.) Enjoy the journey. As you pursue your goal there will always be ups and downs. Embrace all of it. Be grateful for the highs but also be grateful for the lows because if you pay attention, you will learn so much more from the lows.
If you'd like to dive deeper with me you can head over to www.showuptogoup.com
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Start Journaling
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
There are 7 very important reasons why you should start journaling today!
Monday Nov 23, 2020
The Creative Process
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
There are three parts of the creative process: the precursor or planning phase, the doing phase, and the aftermath. Here are how my creative process works.