The Show Up to Go Up (SUGU) Podcast is a personal development podcast that explores what it means to get out of your own way and show up for yourself to live your best life and find success - whatever that means to you. For years I've let fear hold me back but I've finally pushed past those limiting beliefs and now I want to help you do the same. I'm here to give you inspiration and information to guide you to become a better version of yourself.
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Celebrate Failure
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 48 Celebrate Failure
Celebrate your fails because failure is a good thing! Here are 3 reasons to back this idea up...
1.) I used to take improv classes (pre covid of course) and if you know anything about improv it can be a little scary. For some reason there seems to be so much pressure to be funny rather than just be - kind of similar to life! The studio I went to had an amazing policy that when someone would "mess up" we would all clap and celebrate. In life and improv, when we mess up it is our natural inclination to feel bad about it and get down on yourself. But at that studio they celebrate mess ups because they are a good thing! And by celebrating them it changed our relationship to messing up. We were no longer afraid to mess up or take risks because it wasn't a scary thing. It would lead to a celebration - who wouldn't want that?!
2.) Have you ever heard of Sara Blakely? She's the inventor of Spanx, an entrepreneur, and just an all around amazing person! She tells the story that growing up they would go around the dinner table and share what they have failed at that day. Every single day! She was encouraged by her parents to fail. The desire to fail everyday allowed her to realize failing is a good thing and a necessary thing to grow.
3.) Growth Mindset. There is an amazing book called Mindset (by Carol Dweck) and it talks about the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset believes that you can only reach a certain level of talent or skill and you can't get better if you try. For example, you're either a runner or you're not - nothing you can do about it. A growth mindset, on the other hand, believes that you can get better at anything through discipline and hard work. It perceives failures as a necessary step to grow and learn more.
So the next time you fail I want you to call up you family or friend, scream it out loud, and celebrate! You're on your way!
For more inspiration head to www.showuptogoup.com.
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
You Can't Please Everyone
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 47 You Can't Please Everyone
You're not going to be for everyone and that's okay. Some people might not like you but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you! If they don't like you it's likely a reflection on them. You don't have to try to be a certain way for anyone. Be true to yourself and own you God created you to be.
For more inspiration head over to my website www.showuptogoup.com
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Life Lessons from Flowers
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 46 Life Lessons from Flowers
I recently bought three different types of flowers to cheer me up and give me something to do. In the past couple weeks I have learned 3 important life lessons from my flowers.
1.) Each of my flowers is different but beautiful! One flower is a smaller orange colored flower. The second flower is bigger and more firm and is sunflower colored. The last flower is a burgundy petunia - so delicate but more lush than the first flower. Each of us humans is also different but also beautiful in our own unique way. Not everyone will love all of my flowers but that doesn't make them any less special. That just means that particular person doesn't gravitate toward a certain type of flower. If someone doesn't like you, it doesn't mean there is something wrong with you! We were all created beautiful and wonderfully!
2.) Flowers require water and most importantly, LOVE to grow. Just like we require love and care to grow! I like to speak lovingly to my flowers because there are studies that show if you speak lovingly to plants it facilitates in growth. The same is true for us humans. We need love to flourish.
3.) There are seasons of death and seasons of life. I came home the other day and my small orange flower was full of dead buds. I realized I wasn't watering it as much as it needed. I took extra care tending to it the next week and sure enough bright orange buds bloomed! There is a natural cycle of life full of ups and downs. Sometimes we go through hard times but our harvest is right around the corner. You just have to be patient and keep going!
There are so many things you can learn from nature. Get outside and cherish every moment of life!
For a deeper dive, you can head over to my website and sign up for my weekly newsletter at www.showuptogoup.com.
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
How Can You Make Life Easier?
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 45 How Can You Make Life Easier?
How can you make life easer? We like to overcomplicated things but it's really simple. You just have to ask the question. You have the answers within you. What if you let things be easy? What would that look it? Now go for it! Trust your gut! It will never lead you to the wrong place!
When I first moved to Atlanta I was working at a job I HATED but I made good money. Every day when I would go to work I had weight on me and I never looked forward to it. It was exhausting to live so out of alignment! I knew I hated the place but I was afraid to leave because the money was so good and, let's be honest, I like making money. I didn't know what the exact solution was but I knew I needed to take a leap of faith.
I reached out to a fitness studio by my house and instantly connected with the owner. I started teaching fitness for the first time and fell in love with it. From there, I met a client who is a casting director and has helped me book numerous commercials - which is why I moved to Atlanta in the first place. The universe has your back you just have to have the courage to leap and listen when you know there is a better, easier way.
Head over to my website www.showuptogoup.com for more free resources and to download your free guide to get unstuck!
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Let's Talk about Therapy
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 44 Let's Talk about Therapy
In this episode I talk opening about my journey with therapy. I have gone to therapy 4 different times in my life and each time I have found it to be helpful. For some reason, there is a negative stigma about seeing a therapist. My hope is the more we opening talk about it the more normal it becomes.
Every kind of person could benefit from seeing a therapist. Therapy is not just for damaged people. Having someone to talk through things is an important element of dealing with a processing our emotions.
Some insurances will pay for therapy but if yours doesn't, have no fear! You can find a therapist that does something called a "sliding scale." They will work with you and your budget! It's important to find a therapist that you connect with and trust. Just because you go to someone once doesn't mean you are locked into that person. Shop around if you need to!
Don't let things go unresolved in your life because they will keep rising until they eventually bubble to the surface. They will continue to get worse until you deal with them. It'll be a huge sense of relief when you finally work though whatever is going on.
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
You are EXACTLY where you need to be
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 43 You are EXACTLY where you need to be
You are exactly where you need to be! You are not behind or too late. Don't worry about someone else's journey. Everything is happening for a reason for you. Put your head down and focus on your own path. Your experiences are shaping you and giving you tools to be a better version of yourself.
Friday Oct 16, 2020
You were Created to be Creative
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 42 You were Created to be Creative
In June 2020 my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer and given 1-2 months to live. I stopped everything and went home to be with her as she transitioned to the afterlife. Myself, my brothers, and my aunt all took on the daunting role of being caretakers for my mom so that she could pass in the comfort of her own home.
One of the last things she said to me was, "The river flows through." It was 3:30am and it was my turn to spend the night with my mom. She was depreciating fast at this point. She couldn't get out of bed, couldn't use her hand to eat, and could barely talk. That night she told me she was scared. She told me she could see the devil. I don't know if it was true or it was the morphine and lorazapan talking but either way I knew I needed to comfort my mom so I asked her if she could see Jesus. My mom has always been a huge believer and I knew he would be a source of peace for her. She told me she could see him (by using weak yes or nos) and I asked her if she could hug him. She paused for a long moment and then with strength and power, more power than I had seen her use for weeks, she said, "the river flows through."
I assumed she was referring the Jesus and I thought it was such a powerful moment. I searched on Google to see what verse she was referring to but I couldn't find anything.
Weeks later I was reading the bible. I usually try to read a chapter a day - slow and steady is the way to go. I came to John Chapter 7 and it spoke about being thirsty and coming to Jesus and he will give you a river that flows through and that river is the holy spirit. I instantly thought of my mom.
A couple hours later I was reading another book, The Artist Way, that talked about a river flowing though. It said that God is our creator and he is within us and created us to be creative.
Check out this episode to hear more!
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
How's Your Energy Part 3
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 41 How's Your Energy Pt 3
Be careful of the things your consume. In this episode, I talk about how the things you consume affect your energy.
First off, we all know that food affects your energy level right? More natural, organic food makes you food light, and energized while processed and heavy foods make you feel lethargic and heavy. You are what you eat so be careful and pay attention. When your body tells you you're full don't keep eating. Overindulging also leads to low energy levels. Thanksgiving is a perfect example of this!
Secondly, what are you reading and who are you talking to? Are you reading inspirational content or negative content? It makes a difference in how you feel. Be mindful of how you feel after reading or watching something bad. Even gossiping has a negative affect on our bodies and energy. Take care of your body and it will take care of you!
For a deeper dive into wellness and personal development head over to my website www.showuptogoup.com. You'll find a free guide to love your self and your life.
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
How's Your Energy Part 2
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 40 How's Your Energy Part 2
Yesterday I talked about how focusing on negativing is an energy zapper. Today I'm talking about indecisiveness. As some of you know, I'm planning a wedding next year which basically breeds indecisiveness. There are sooo many options! How's a girl to choose?! I realized that I was spending way too much energy during a two week period when I was trying to decide on a DJ. I decided right then and there that I was going to take the week of from thinking about it any more! And you know what?! That next week was amazing! I felt so much for energized and less stressed! I realized I was not only wasting valuable time going back and forth but I was also wasting precious energy. I realized I do this ALL. THE. TIME.
"Should I buy this or not?"
"Should I go home for the holidays?"
"When is the best time to blah blah blah?"
I'm exhausted just thinking about it! I was so afraid to make the wrong decision that I would just make no decision. What I would give to get that wasted time and energy back!
So I decided I'm not going to spend so much time going back and forth. I'm going to be courageous and just choose a side. Even if it's the wrong side! I will learn from whatever choice and I will move faster toward my goals if I just jump in instead of dancing on the line trying to decide what to do.
Don't be afraid to just go for it!
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
How's Your Energy? Part 1
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Show Up to Go Up
Ep 39 How's Your Energy? Part 1
What you focus on grows. Focusing on negativity will zap your energy and also bring more negativity to you. If you want to feel energized focus on gratitude and appreciation.